Birds: The Ultimate Mood Booster

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Birds really do make us happy. We all know that, right? They are fascinating and invite us into a world unlike our own: one of flight! Not only are their behaviours interesting, it is the behaviour they cause in us that is the most notable: We pause. We slow down. We watch. We marvel. They have an amazing way of captivating us, that reminds us to be more still, more quiet, and simply observe. (I keep my shrills of excitement internal). 

A Black-capped Chickadee watching me back. Photo by Heather Kerrison. 

There has been a growing body of research that confirms that immersing ourselves in nature reduces stress and anxiety. Birds, specifically, are also being linked directly to well-being. A study that came out late last year found that individual life enjoyment directly correlates with how many bird species a person is surrounded by. That means, that increasing the variety of bird species around your home by 10% can improve your life just as much as a wage increase of the same amount. 

This study found that both seeing and hearing more bird species, has a direct link to increases in our overall happiness and well-being. 

What's more joyful than a bird and their song?

Song Sparrow singing loud for all to hear. Photo by Heather Kerrison

.. so we can stop feeling bad about spending all of our money on bird feeders and native plants, right?

If you're here, you're probably already an avid bird lover because you know that they bring you irrefutable joy. This feels like us bird people have been vindicated, we were right all along! Birds really are a secret key to happiness. 

Check out this former blog post where I explain simple ways to increase backyard biodiversity: How to Increase Backyard Biodiversity.  Now I am thinking I should have called that blog "How to Have a Happier Life".

Comment a bird-related moment that brings you joy, so we can all share in it together. I'll go first:

Seeing a great migratory species in spring, amongst blooming flowers. The birds and blooms combination always leaves me with a massive grin on my face, and if I'm lucky a photo to remember the moment by. 

Nashville warbler amongst blooms. Photo by Heather Kerrison. 

Your turn! 



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